Monday, December 3, 2012

Shape Up: I've Lost Ten Pounds.

There once was a man who decided that he needed to change things. Those that have been reading my blog for a while know that I have dominantly been focused on just a few things; dating, sex, booze, and adventure. 

Since my last post the dating thing has pretty much stagnated. Partly on purpose, slash, lack of time. I've been seeing Chase still. We haven't even kissed yet so I have no idea what the fuck is going on and for once I'm not analyzing it. If we end up just being friends, cool. If more, awesome. If it fizzles and dies, I'm going to be OK as well. She has been more attentive and wanting to hang out more and more which I think is a good sign. She is coming as my date to the company Christmas party so there is that.

Back to the point about me not having time. It is true. I've become a gym rat. I work out a fair amount. I started a weight lifting program and it had been working wonders. Then I paired it with calorie counting and diet management. I'm proud to say that I've lost ten pounds. I feel fantastic. If you're like me or me before, I always had a hard time sticking to a program or diet because it was so hard to keep track of everything. Then I realized that this smart phone I had in my pocket could be used for a greater good. I found a couple of apps that have changed the way I function. 

Firstly there is my weight training app. It has revolutionized how I go to the gym. If anyone is trying to get into shape by lifting weights check out this app. As far as diet goes I use and I've learned a lot about what I've been eating and where my calories have been coming from and going. The combination of these two apps have changed my life and because I've lost ten pounds the fairer sex has started to notice too. I must stay focused though and not get complacent. I want to become a sexual object to women. For once in my life I want them to objectify me.

I've also been spending my weekends on the ski hill. I have been enjoying it immensely. My first trip up to the hill was eventful to say the least.

I got drunk.

Then I got more drunk. Went to a party, had a riot. Left party, went to a pub where I sat next to this cute girl. She was there all by herself so we got to chatting. we ended up making out by the creek for a while and enjoying the picturesque surroundings in the Canadian Rockies. It really was quite romantic. She then took me back to where she was staying and we had mad passionate monkey sex in the shower and just about everywhere else. I woke up in the morning, went back to where I was staying and passed the fuck back out. Needless to say I didn't get any riding in on the second day. It took me almost 7 hours to recover to the point I could drive back to the city. Good times.

I've been out a couple more times since and so far my seasons pass has been a wise investment.

I'm sure I'll have some more adventures to write about and I'll keep you posted on the Shape Up too. 

Later Days,


  1. Did you get her name and number?

  2. I did, doesn't matter though she was a tourist and lives far far away.

  3. Oh I like almost random hot monkey sex with out of towners!! That is better than going down a hill any day! But hills are fun too!
    Glad things are going well on the shape up plan. I love myfitnesspal app. Very enlightening to know how things add up and where the little things can make a big difference. Good on you Hero! I will objectify you any day, darling!


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